Welcome to 


Brian McNeill’s 






Hello everyone - 


I hope you are enjoying your summer and some good music.


New Forest Folk Festival was - as ever - a wonderful event and I had a great time.


I'm looking forward to Cambridge Folk Festival and Fairport's Cropredy Convention - if you come along, do say hello.


News on the CD front - you can find the new release of a very old album in the online shop.

My Battlefield Bandmate Alan Reid and I made Sidetracks almost half a century ago - it never came out on CD, so we decided to remedy that - and we think it sounds as fine and fresh now as it did then. 


On a more sombre note, I have been asked what I said at the funeral of my good friend Ian Green, founder of Greentrax Recordings, who died in March.

If you wish, you can read my testimonial here


All the best


Site Last updated 24 July 2024